The flow of the message sent by the producer to SQS is as follows: This spreads the message retries more evenly across time, allowing them to be processed more efficiently. Most exponential backoff algorithms use jitter (randomized delay) to prevent successive collisions. The idea behind exponential backoff is to use progressively longer waits between retries for consecutive error responses. To process the failed messages, I build a retry mechanism by implementing an exponential backoff algorithm. The AWS documentation contains a tutorial detailing the configuration of an Amazon SQS dead-letter queue.

This exception then triggers an error response that sends the message to the DLQ. For example, a consumer application fails to parse a message correctly and throws an unhandled exception. Often these failed messages are caused by application errors. It allows you to set aside and isolate non-processed messages to determine why processing failed. The main task of a dead-letter queue (DLQ) is to handle message failure. I then package and publish this serverless solution in the AWS Serverless Application Repository. I use Amazon SQS dead-letter queues, AWS Lambda, and a specific algorithm to decrease the rate of retries for failed messages. Each time it attempts to reprocess the message, the replay time increases until the message is finally considered dead. It also uses a specific algorithm to make sure this is not repeated forever. It monitors the dead-letter queue and moves a message back to the main queue to see if it can be processed again.
This post describes how to add automated resilience to an existing SQS queue. The DLQ (dead-letter queue) is used to store messages that can’t be processed (consumed) successfully. A commonly used feature of Amazon SQS is dead-letter queues. This is courtesy of Alexandre Pinhel, Specialist SA Manager, in collaboration with Guillaume Marchand and Luke Hargreaves, Solutions Architects.Īmazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service. It enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications.