Then the voice continued speaking to Callisto. The voice declared that she was a follower and a fan of Callisto. Callisto was cautiously intrigued within her emotional turmoil inquiring of who it was that had taken an interest in her. In fact, it was a very powerful force that had taken a great interest in Callisto’s pain. The voice spoke to Callisto who was surprised to find that anyone in Tartarus would listen to her pain.

Within Callisto’s rage unfulfilled a deep, dark, shadowy voice came from within the depths of her soul. The bard could imagine Callisto down in Tartarus screaming in agony and in eternal emotional pain. This is where the bard Gabrielle’s real story of Callisto begins. And Callisto did destroy herself which had led her to her own demise down into the depths of Tartarus. Upon the murder of Perdicas Xena had been left no other choice, but to allow Callisto to destroy herself. Xena the warrior princess had attempted to reform the young Callisto’s heart back into love, but was unsuccessful. Although Callisto had failed in accomplishing the complete destruction of the warrior princess she had managed to find a way to destroy the life of her friend Gabrielle by destroying her beloved husband Perdicas.

The evil that the young Callisto had seeked revenge upon was no longer wandering the earth on a path of destruction.

By then the warrior princess had changed her ways and was no longer on a path of ultimate destruction, but on a path toward serving the greater good. Nine years later Callisto had finally caught up to her enemy and challenged the warrior princess. It was in that decisive moment of her life that Callisto had vowed within her tender innocent heart turned cold to destroy that which had destroyed her. At the age of 11 Callisto had witnessed the total destruction of her village and her family in the flames of a once evil warrior princess. She had once been a helpless little farm girl in a village known as Syra. Her name was Callisto and she had done many evil deeds while in the land of the living. Herc himself was excellently written and i loved that he was no matter what a beacon of hope.Deep in Tartarus there was once a blonde nemesis. The action scenes were even better this season. S.2 fearures the debute of Autolycus, casting Bruce Campbell in the role was brilliant. Iolaus was thankfully in more episodes this season, he and Herc have tremedous and very enjoyable chemistry. And i can not shake the feeling that this season lacked the much needed love and care that the ''Xena'' makers displayed unlike the ''Hercules'' ones Most of the villains were harmless and childish caricatures, there were however some awesome ones, for example Protean and Goth. Quite a lot of times also an episode was destroyed by the performance of a bad guest actor (as it happened in ''The Power'' and ''Fire Down Below''). Very often the stories have zero impact, aren't explored properly and, the worse, they barely scratch the surface of a deep and good story (like in ''The Sword of Veracity'' and ''Once a Hero''). The most important problems s.2 has are it's scripts and the casting for the guest actors.